Part 270: Special Disk Mission 5-2 - The Executor - Part 1
And were all back together (sans most secret characters)! Insert another forty minutes of HR work and this is how were going with our twenty slots (many are the same I used for the finale because I couldnt be bothered to change it):
- Rand, Rag/Birin, Corin (Eagail)
- Baldios, Riea, Enil
- Duke, Hikaru, Maria
- Getter, Michiru, Tekkouki
- God Sigma, Holland, Carris
- Sol Gravion, Yzak, Faye
- Roger, Jiron, Roybea
- Gainer, Adette (Rushrod), Sara (Jinba)
- Zambot, Matthew, Yassaba (Golem)
- Kouji, Tetsuya, Joseph
- Banjou, Katz (Re-GZ), Witz
- Kei, Olson, Atena
- Kira, Athrun, Muu
- Garrod, Pala, Jamil
- Shinn, Luna, Harry
- Camille, Quattro, Four (Dijeh)
- Setsuko, Toby, Denzel
- Loran, Maai, Emma
- Amuro, Poe, Lancerow
- Sandman, Gain, Gauli (Mexbrute)
The loss of Haman paired with Aquarion and Nirvashs absence gave me enough openings to give Sandman his own group. The Glory Stars also staying together to get that extra damage on the TRI.
Everyones gathered up and ready to hear Banjous intel. First off, though, Kappei wants to know what hes doing here instead of going to Mars like he said he would.
Turns out Banjou had a little errand to run before heading to Mars, so he was working with Roger and Fudou. The Negotiator himself has expanded his operations beyond Paradigm City and was very eager to answer Banjous request.
Tetsuya asks if Banjous errand is connected to all thats going on and, as fate would have it, yes. It was by seeing to this matter that he came across a few bits of info regarding the army of drones. Garrod and Renton wanna get things rolling ASAP, so they ask him to abridge the story and get to the good bits. Fair enough.
First off, Banjou reminds of what we already know: the drones are all relics of the Black History. Shinn asks if Banjous about to reveal that he found information on that era and, indeed, he confirms. Jamil wonders how thats possible, however, seeing how D.O.M.E. is still asleep and, as Jiron relates, Arthur couldnt find any details in the Innocents history books.
Roger points out that the info we sought wasnt brought into the present via detailed accounts. Rather, it took the form of a novel. Yes, Gordon Rosewaters Metropolis and its depiction of the end of the Black History. While they couldnt get their hands on the book itself, they did manage to get in touch with someone whod read it.
Banjou wanted to know what happened after the Black History came to pass, how the world was restored in the aftermath of the dimensional collapse that happened. They wanted to know what was written in the epilogue of the novel.
The new world, born of the Great Powers maelstrom, was gripped by chaos. And, thus, the surviving peoples made preparations for the time when such a calamity would happen again. The Restoration that follows Destruction The Executor that rescues the ruined world The night ends and dawn arrives; once more, the sun emerges from the land of the rising sun, Roger quotes.
Thats the information they found in the epilogue of Metropolis. Those drones were all left behind by the Black History folks in order to help the future world? Indeed, Marin ponders, from what was told, it seems they were left as a counter to the chaos that would follow the dimensional collapse at the end of a Black History cycle. Was it a coincidence that made them awaken following our Dimensional Repair?
Banjou doesnt think so, figuring the event still fell within the systems pattern: the Black History started, rolled into the outbreak of a massive conflict and, at the end, the dimensional walls all stabilized. That stabilization is the key, in that the system figured the collapse had come and gone and it was time to get to work.
But hold on, says Eiji, those drones are out there attacking cities. Toshiya agrees in that something like that cant be said to be working with the interest of the world and its peoples in mind.
Duke figures its not that simple; its possible the drones attacks are no more than part of the Executor Systems directive. Destruction and Restoration This would be the former, then Kira ponders.
Banjou concurs, figuring theres probably another step thatll occur after the drones are finished destroying everything something thatll carry out the Restoration part of the plan. But what could be restored by destroying the entire world? Earth itself, Quattro suggests.
Remember, their respective universes, the planet Earth was greatly polluted by human activity. Looking at it from another angle, it could be said that the presence of humanity is an obstacle to the restoration of the dilapidated world.
Shinn freaks out at the idea that this means the Executor System wants to eradicate humanity to get that ball rolling. Quattro, however, argues that since were dealing with a man-made system, it probably doesnt wish our complete obliteration. This might be a cull or, perhaps, the System might simply be trying to kick humanity off the planet.
Bright remembers the old Er-ism philosophy, in that Earth is sacred ground and, thus, humanity must leave it untouched and move to space. Essentially, the Executor System is using force to put this in practice.
Amuro can kind of see the concept behind it but he certainly doesnt approve of the thought of long-gone humans imposing an arbitrary decision upon others.
However, there is proof that such a system ran in the distant past and Diana knows what hes getting at: the world of the Moon Race and the Innocents (Rands).
At the end of the Black History, the Turn A used the Moonlight Butterfly to reduce all civilization to sand. As the world slowly recovered, humanity eventually split into different camps: ones swore off technology in order to safeguard the environment, others went on to live on the Moon and in Space until the world had fully recovered and others chose to purposefully brave the harsher environs of the planet.
That accounts for the Moon Race, the low-tech civilizations in North Ameria, as well as the peoples of Zora and Siberia. All of them examples of the world being restored from scratch after it all came crashing down.
We had assumed that the Moonlight Butterfly and the OverDevils OverFreeze were simply anti-Fallen Angel weapons but Roger now thinks theyre all tools of the Executor System with which to trigger the Destruction step. The systems activation explains why the Turn A went crazy
But it does not explain what happened to King Gainer. Its a special kind of Early Overman, so does that mean it possesses a power similar to the OverDevils?
Banjou is at least fairly confident that neither mech will go astray with someone at the controls, which is a bit of a relief. Gainer has a sinking feeling that there's more to King Gainer but cant figure out what. With all that information delivered, Diana asks where their informant is right now and Roger says the man is away, wanting bear witness to the fate that awaits the world.
Sochie starts figuring out who the informant is but Diana decides to let this slide at the very least he disliked the future he read, so he helped us in order to rewrite it.
Regardless, now that weve a pretty good idea of what the Executor System is up to, Bright says it is imperative we bring it to a stop ASAP. Heizaemon figures that, judging by the nature of its objective, it is possible the system could have some sort of WMD thatll affect the entire planet. With that land of the rising sun part of Metropolis text and the fact that Japan hasnt been attacked by the drones, its very likely that whoever is controlling the Executor System is over there.
Thus, Holland and Shaia surmise, if we take that person out, we pull the plug on this whole thing. Banjou suggests we start with the Kushiro Marshlands, in the Hokkaido prefecture; the area has a Mountain Cycle, so investigating there could point us in the right direction.
Still, Tsugumi and Jun fear the mastermind has already moved off Japan and that the trip will be a waste of time. Apollo counters that its always best to work instead of worrying even if the guy has already left, we might find a clue. The suddenly-appearing Fudou agrees.
Apollo, at last, isnt taken by surprise by his shenanigans and Fudou sees that he has grown: Through the cycle of success and failure, destruction and restoration It is by overcoming various trials that both man and the world progress towards the next stage.
Sirius asks if hes talking about the Executor System but Fudou simply shrugs. On that note, Apollo gets annoyed that while Fudou seemingly knows everything thats going on, hes deliberately holding stuff back. Does he get a kick out of watching them flail about?
Fudou counters by asking if Apollo rejects the idea of the cycle of Destruction and Restoration being the gateway towards higher evolution. Apollo answers with a resounding fuck that, as something like that would cost the lives of loads of people.
I dunno jack bout evolution or whatever but theres gotta be other ways to reach higher levels! he says.
In that case, Fudou tells him to put a stop to the phantom of the Black History the distant pain that burdens this world.
(This whole final bit is quite the very distant foreshadowing, especially for Z3.2).
Special Disk 5-2 The Executor
Our people arrive at their destination and it also shows signs of the Executor System being active a big hole in the middle of the Mountain Cycle tells that some drones came out from it but the units themselves are nowhere to be seen now.
Amuro figures, since the core of their system is assumed to be here in Japan, the units must have gathered somewhere to keep guard over it. Joseph and Loran see quite a lot of similarities between this place and the Lost Mountain in Galia and, thinking back, its very possible those Overmen over there were also part of the Executor System.
When Sochie asks why, he says that since those units are tasked with seeing to the restoration of the worlds environment, theyre likely equipped to deal with nuclear threats. When the Breaker fired that nuke, the Overmen awoke in response and went to neutralize it.
But, either way, our people came here also hoping to provoke whoever is controlling the Executor System to try and take action against us. And that plan pays off big time, as a bunch of mooks pop out of the woodwork the abundance of units proves to Shinn that the core of the system is somewhere in Japan.
: Urgh !
: Whats wrong, Gainer?!
: King Gainers being called drawn to some huge power!
: Gainer! Over there!
: Another King Gainer?!
: No, the details are different! Its something else!
: A Black Overman
: Ghck !
: What is it, Gainer?!
: Its him
: Huh?
: Its that Overman thats calling King Gainer!
: What?!
: Argh !
: Whats going on? Talk to us, Gainer!
: I see it now ! That Overman is the core of the Executor System!
: Then !
: The pilot of that unit is the mastermind behind all those attacks!
: All troops, focus your attacks on that Overman!
: Hey! Hes running away?!
: Looks like hes well aware of his importance as the leader of the operation.
: Hes likely moving to a secure location while his defenders keep us pinned.
: Then we need to break through these and get in pursuit.
: Yeah! We finally found the guy we cant let him escape!
: Open fire! Well clear out the drones ASAP and give chase to that Black Overman!
: Youre up, Reika, Pierre, Rena! Kick their asses and well show pops what for!
: You got it, Apollo! Here we go, girls!
: I am ready. We must all give this our all.
: They cannot be allowed to rain any more misfortune upon the world !
: U-Urgh
: Are you alright, Gainer?
: I-Im hanging on somehow
: (I know what that Overman really is Im sure of it !)
Destroy everything, dont lose any ships or the Assault Aquarion. As before, weve been left with a bevy of pretty much every non-alien faction mooks to deal with except, thankfully, no Overmen. Theyre in larger quantity than in the previous mission but it still isnt enough to compensate for the huge upgrades our guys have.
Feel free to spread out but make sure you keep Loran away from the SE corner. Itll make your life simpler.
Here we go!
Once you destroy twelve enemy squads, the meat of the mission kicks in.
: This signal it cant be!
: Weve other units on approach! They might be more of the Executor Systems drones!
: Hold on! Look at the squad lead!
: The Turn X!
: Is it also equipped with the Executor System?
: Wrong! It is I who controls it!
: Gym Ghingnham?!
: It has been a while, hasnt it, Diana?
: Its that war-crazy moon general!
: But we all saw him be enveloped up by the rampaging Moonlight Butterfly in Atlandia
: And, yet, I did not die! Both I and the Turn X had far too much to do in this world, you see!
: Why are you here, then ? Dont tell me youre the mastermind behind this whole thing!
: This whole thing ? You mean the Destruction and Restoration of the world?
: He knows of the Executor System, I see !
: Before, a psychic wave reached through the Turn X and asked me: what is the meaning of human existence?!
: The meaning of humans ?
: And answer, I did: combat is the meaning of human life!
: This freak hasnt changed one bit!
: And my words seemingly resonated with the will behind that psychic wave, for it entrusted me with command of its army.
: It bid me and the Turn X to assist in bringing about the Restoration that follows Destruction!
: The Turn Xs awoke its Moonlight Butterfly System before, so the Executor wants to use it as a replacement for the Turn A !
: He was scouted by the Executors manager, then?!
: Open your eyes, Gym Ghingnham. You still havent realized the folly of your actions ?! By using that forbidden power to sate your ambitions, youll only bring the Black Historys conflicts to bear!
: Is your mind slipping, Diana? You ought to know that that is precisely what I desire!
: So you did not learn anything, even after all that fighting
: I am so pleased to have met you in the field of battle once more ! Still, how about I start with a small appetizer?
*Gym charges after the Gekko*
: Hes coming after us!
: The light of the moon belongs to Diana! It is a villain who dares lay claim to its name and, thus, it falls on me to tender your execution! (Gekko is 月光 which is, as he said, moonlight.)
: Run, Talho! You cant take that monster on!
: Evasive maneuvers, Doggie!
: Roger!
The Gekko and Gym run all the way to the SW corner.*
: You are far too sluggish!
: We cant shake him off!
: Urk!
: I wont let you put even a finger on them!
: Renton!
: He launched in the 909?!
*Renton goes after the Turn X*
: You idiot! You dont know how to fly the 909!
: But Im still going for it, as a member of the Gekkostate!
: Eureka, Talho and her baby are in the Gekko too!
: Calling out the name of a lover while on the field of battle?! Boy, you ought to know
: That is the act of a warrior seeking succor at his final moments!!
: Renton, run!
: A warp?!
: Thats--!
: Indeed, Im certain!
: Its the Aquarion!
: I-Im detecting a High-Dimensional Quantum Reaction! Its
: Come, Wings of the Sun We have awakened from our brief slumber and, now, we shall lay judgement upon the demon who poisoned the Tree of Life.
: Touma!
: The Machine Angel, controlled by a Fallen Angel ? Now that is a far more interesting opponent!
: Poison-spreading demon, I have united with the Wings of the Sun do you truly think yourself to be my equal?
: Hey! You dont get to talk like that!
: The Aquarion belongs to DEAVA to all of humanity!
: What?!
: Aquarion! To us!
: It split up!
: Thats
*The Vector Sol and Mars head up to the Gekko.*
: Lets do this, Sirius!
: Yes!
*Both Vectors switch to their head-only modes*
: Wings of the Sun ! You still care for your reincarnation and Celiannes half?!
: And we shall be taking the Luna back as well, Touma!
: Go, Sirius! I got your back!
Im very surprised they actually animated the transformed Vectors, even if its a basic attack!
: Urgh, damn it!
: Curse you!
: What are you doing, Apollo?! This isnt the time for that!
: But!
: What fun youre having! I hope you dont mind if I partake in it as well!
Gym jumps right between the Vectors.
: Away, your battle-crazed beast!
: It is the essence of humans to be ruled by combat! The same applies to the lot of you!
: What?!
: You are fine, indeed! Men who lose themselves to combat are the ones truly fit to cross blades with me!
: We
: Lost ourselves to combat
: Thats correct.
: Nirvash!
: She also returned to this world?
: Have you all forgotten of the miracle that was born of your meeting?
: Thats
: On that day when, for the sake of granting the world a new beginning, we
: Shes right! We all rose above the lines that separated humans and angels and became one!
: We
: And nothing but destruction awaits us if we forget that!
: Oh, bearer of such a warm aura
*Touma goes over to the Gekko*
: Huh?
: Could you should it to me once more?
: Show me the miracle that is the union that transcended wingless and angels.
: Yes!
: Apollo, brother!
: Aye, aye!
: Genesis !
: Combination!
: Hm
: Wingless rather, humans. I leave the Wings of the Sun in your hands once more.
: Touma
: I shall observe your battles from the space inbetween dimensions.
: Touma he came to understand us.
: Thanks, guy
: Hrrm! He lost his will to fight?! Fine, then !
: Hes coming for us again ?!
: Away with you, boy!!
*Renton is sent flying out the 909.*
: Renton!
: Hell be alright.
*Eureka surfs on over!*
: Put out your hand, Renton!
: Eureka ! Youre here!
: Lets fly together again!
: Yeah!
: Nirvash Youre gonna help us out, eh?
: Thank you, Nirvash. We can all fly together again.
: Uurgh, brats! You wont make a fool out of me any longer!
: Whoa, there!
: You aint gonna do jack to them!
*Both Aquarions tag in with the Nirvash.*
: Guys
: Lets get to it, Renton!
: We gotta show this kill-crazy old man that theres a lot more than that out in the world!
: Right!
: Both the Nirvash and Aquarion have returned
: I guess they all love this world too.
: And, so, here they are Lending their strength in order to protect the life in it!
: Do you see, Gym Ghingnham? Such is the strength of those who fight to defend something. You must now acknowledge the pettiness of fighting solely for ones greed and pride.
: How dare you, Diana!
: Ghingnham if my words can no longer reach you, then
: Then I will strike you down in the name of all living beings!
: You will not stand in the way of my era, Diana, ZEUTH! This world will be destroyed and, then, reborn!
: No, it wont! Not while were here to protect all the many lives that live in it right now!